Hi there. I’m Diana Weynand, or Coach D. If you read my book, you know by now that I love football and I love to “carpe vita” – seize life – by following a clear set of principles and taking action on them. It’s my mission to empower people to mastermind their lives by doing the same thing using the LIPSTICK FOOTBALL Method.
I love writing, coaching, speaking and motivating groups—large and small, young and not as young. I'm a problem solver and I love the challenge of “cracking a marble” to break down a complex challenge, goal or project into actionable steps.
I've always been on the cutting edge of thought and technology. As a Media Specialist, I advanced the use and application of nonlinear editing by developing Apple certified courses and writing over 15 how-to books used internationally. As a business owner of a Film and Television training and consulting company, I developed a simplified language to talk about highly technical software and equipment.

I’d almost always rather play sports and be physically active than watch a game on TV. I shine when I perform music and produce shows. I’m passionate about protecting nature and the environment, and I commit my leadership skills to nonprofit climate organizations. I love to sail, snorkel, kayak—I just love being out, in, under, on and around a body of water.
However challenging and messy it may be at times; I love my life. And I love this Helen Keller quote:
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."
I choose adventure.